[CFARM] Credit Farm

We farm all day, we farm all night!


Everybody is welcome!!!

This clan is only for purpose of clan rewards and credit boosters from random battles!!!
We do NOT participate or require Skirmishes or Global map.
All you need is just play couple randoms and rewards will be obtained automatically form clan.
To see your rewards click Clan/Tasks

Tento klan je zalozeny cisto pre klanove odmeny a farmenie creditov!
NEHRAJEME ziadne klanove bitky ani globalnu mapu.
Vsetko co musis spravit je zahrat par bitiek a odmenu dostanes automaticky s klanu.
Odmeny si mozte pozriet v Klan/Ulohy ( missie )

Clan statistics

Number of members: 7

Ø Battles10504
Ø WN81104,44
Ø WinRate48,98%

Clan members

Skirmishes statistics


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate