[DOGS-] Dogs of Shooting Ground

"In the depths of war, each man is only as strong as the man beside him."


Üdv az oldalunkon!

A lőtéri kutyák nem ugatnak többet. Köszi mindenkinek akik valaha viselték a logót, és köztünk voltak.
Szép volt, jó volt, de most ennyi volt.

Wuff wuff!

Welcome to our page!

Dogs of Shooting Ground no longer bark.
Thanks to everyone who ever wore the logo and was among us.
It was nice, it was good, but that was all.

Clan statistics

Number of members: 26

Ø Battles36089
Ø WN82036,63
Ø WinRate54,09%

Clan members

Skirmishes statistics


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate